Borescoping & Weld Maps

Borescope Inspection Services

Borescoping Services & Weld Mapping

Borescoping is a visual video inspection of the interior of sanitary and BPE systems, which cannot be viewed with the naked eye. Borescope inspection can save costly disassembly and reassembly time when installing, inspecting or maintaining any system. Proper inspection and documentation of welds — via weld maps and logs — help ensure a trouble-free validation of the system.


The borescope is an optical device with a flexible tube that is inserted into the product. Attached to the tube is a camera that can “see” the product’s interior and a digital recorder. Our borescope equipment is capable of:

  • Recording with a picture resolution of H640 x V480 pixels
  • Inspecting welds up to 76” from the access port
  • Inspecting straight parts with an inside diameter of .370” and larger
  • Inspecting multiple bends with an inside diameter of .870” and larger

Weld Maps & Logs 

Steel & O’Brien provides weld maps and logs with our borescope services for documentation purposes. Weld inspection and logging are required to meet U.S. FDA and ASME BPE standards in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage, and other high-purity industries. This documentation ensures that the food and medicines we put into our bodies are clean and safe.   

Weld maps illustrate the location of each weld, which is labeled with a unique identification number, as well as the part number of every component. A weld log contains all information that relates to each weld, including project and job numbers. These documents and various test reports are shipped with the system. Upon receipt of the order, the customer has a record of each weld, who made the weld, the materials in the weld and material certifications.

Steel & O’Brien Inspection Services

  • Customer chooses one weld or all welds on an assembly to be inspected and documented.
  • All borescope services include weld maps and logs.
  • The video file name corresponds to the weld numbers on the weld map.
  • A USB drive with videos for each inspected weld is shipped with the order, or we can send it electronically; we maintain a file of each video corresponding to your purchase order.
  • If required, inspection to ASME BPE discoloration acceptance is available.

The professionals at Steel & O’Brien have the expertise and equipment to perform borescoping in-house and have done so for many years. We are the single-source supplier of sanitary and BPE products, and we’re here to help simplify sanitary by providing you with all the services you need.

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